Research Study - The Emotion Code demonstrates "significant efficacy" in relieving symptoms of mental health issues.
People suffering from self-reported anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder reported significant improvements in their symptoms after using The Emotion Code, in the first research study into the holistic healing modality.
"The results of our study provide support to the growing literature on mental and emotional health. Specifically, The Emotion Code yielded significant decreases in reported symptomatology of all three conditions," authors Yuliana Gelb, Sara Castaneda, Lenny Castaneda and Tim Allison-Aipa write in "Changes in Self-Reported Depression, Anxiety, and Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomatology from the Emotion Code Energy Healing Modality."
In a key finding, the participants reported benefits regardless of the severity of their symptoms.
"It was hypothesised that participants with lower anxiety, PTSD, and depression ratings would benefit the most from this modality since they have fewer traumas to release from the body and therefore may feel relief more quickly and easily; however, results show that subjects with high and low symptomatology in all categories benefited in a significant and highly effective way," states the study, which can be accessed here.
Developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, (D.C., ret.), The Emotion Code is an energy healing method designed to help people identify and release troubling unresolved emotions from difficult and traumatic past experiences.
Dr. Nelson calls these residual emotional energies "Trapped Emotions," and believes they are linked to many mental, emotional and physical illnesses. Author of the best-selling book "The Emotion Code," he has trained thousands of certified practitioners worldwide over almost three decades to help people overcome physical and emotional discomfort by releasing their emotional baggage.
Study participants were 14 (9.6%) males and 132 (90.4%) females recruited through a pool of clients, who began Emotion Code sessions for the first time in their life. They were recruited by Emotion Code practitioners, and represent a demographic of people that would have signed up to do the practice and pay for the sessions on their own volition, the study notes. Findings include:
- Research Question 2 asked if participants with PTSD and participants without PTSD had significant decreases in the symptoms after treatment. PTSD symptoms significantly decreased after the treatment for both groups.
- Research Question 3 asked if participants with different levels (minimal, mild, moderate, moderately severe, and severe) of depression had significant decreases in symptoms after treatment. Depression symptoms significantly decreased after the treatment for all of the levels of depression.
- Research Question 4 asked if participants with higher levels of symptoms had higher decreases in them after the treatment than those with lower levels of symptoms. Higher reduction in anxiety symptoms was observed among the high anxiety group versus the low anxiety group. Scores on PTSD decreased more in the PTSD compared with the no PTSD group.
The study finds correlation but not causal effects between The Emotion Code and reduced symptoms of anxiety, PTSD, or depression. It recommends further research, including randomised trials with a control group and "a longitudinal study, to follow up after one year, and then five years to see if this modality's results hold over time."
"The results of our study implicate that further investigation is warranted," the authors conclude. "It may be beneficial to offer Emotion Code sessions to those seeking treatment for anxiety, PTSD, and depression as an option along with other well-verified treatment modalities, especially because the treatment is minimally invasive and shows to be highly effective."